Here is the link to the Twine story that I created this week:
The first multimedia principle that my Twine story follows is the Contiguity Principle, since the photos I have added are presented near the corresponding words. For example, directly below the text “You have found your house.”, there is a relevant photo of a house.
Another principle followed by the Twine story that I created is the learner control principle. This says that people may learn better when they are controlling the pace which information is presented. Since the user following my story can take as much time as they would like before moving on to the next step.
There are several ways that this format of storytelling could be useful for educational purposes. For example, after providing an explanation, the teacher could have one option as “I understand the content”, and the other could be “I need more explanation”. If the learner chooses the second option, perhaps more in depth instructions could be provided. Furthermore, this would be beneficial since it would not hinder learners who move at a faster pace or who have prior experience in the subject.
Another way that Twine stories could be used is by providing information, and then using it as a situational test. For example, if the learner makes a wrong decision in the provided situation, they can receive feedback and see what could go wrong if they make that decision in real life. Then, they can always return to the previous page and choose the correct answer.